Meet Tewa
My name is Tewa Lendor. I am 20 years of age and was born in Kondorma Village, Tengia Clan, Foya Statutory District, Lofa County, Liberia.
I was told by my father after the death of my mother that I was three years old while she left me in the hands of my grandmother, and she went to fetch wood. Before her return, I was attacked by convulsions. I was immediately taken to the Burma Hospital. But it was too late for me. We were referred to Monrovia. So my father carried me to an herbalist due to lack of money. But while I was undergoing the traditional treatment, I became speechless and even unable to stand by myself good. Today, it is through the help of other people by means of begging that can help me to sustain myself as a disabled person. Moreover, my father is now old and also frustrated.
Posted on: March 4, 2012, by : waha_admin