Mission & Vision

The Mission of WAHA

The mission of the West Africa Handicap Association is stated very simply: “To make the handicapped and unfortunate individuals of our society equal partners in serving the labor market, to be financially stable, and to participate in the development of our nations.” In other words, WAHA wants to help the disabled learn to overcome so they can take their rightful place in society as dignified contributors rather than those who feel ashamed because of their challenges. WAHA believes every human being deserves basic human dignity.



39 Jefferson Avenue

Rochester, NY  14611

(585) 284-7130


Dear Friend,

My name is Joseph Tamba, and I am the President and Founder of the West Africa Handicap Association of the USA, a nonprofit corporation in Rochester, New York, as well as of the same organization in Liberia, West Africa.  I am a native of Liberia and fled there after war broke out in 1989, in which I was disabled myself, becoming totally blind. I ended up in Guinea, a neighboring country, where my family and I lived for over 14 years in refugee camps until we were able to come to the USA in refugee status in 2007. I have now obtained my U.S. citizenship.

The West Africa Handicap Association (WAHA) was founded in the refugee camps of Guinea in order to provide support and training to disabled individuals in the camps. More information is available on this website.  I am currently working to gain assistance for this organization in order to provide skill training so that the disabled of Liberia who remained or repatriated, and disabled people of other countries,  may become independent, productive citizens of their society. My organization is in need of financial support, office space and supplies, equipment for skill training and mobility such as wheelchairs, crutches, canes, tricycles, motorcycles, cars, computers, eyeglasses, talking and braille watches, clothing and footwear, hearing aids, braille equipment, generators, and medical equipment for the disabled of Liberia.  I am hoping that we can partner with you in providing needed services and equipment to disabled people in Liberia and around the world. We are a 501(C) (3) nonprofit corporation, and your gift is tax-deductible according to the law.  Please contact me for further information or inquiries.


Joseph Tamba


email at:  jtamba.waha.usa@gmail.com

We have recently been awarded 501(c)(3) status by the U.S. government, so your contributions can be made tax-free. Contact me at (585) 284-7130 for further information.