Meet Saiah Tumbay and Saah Taylor

Saiah Tumbay

My name is Saiah Tumbay. I am 8 years of age and was born in Kongbama, Tengia Clan, Foya Statutory District, Lofa County, Liberia.

She was told by her mother that when she was at the age of 2, it was around 7:00pm while lying inside, she heard her screaming.  When she came into the room and took her up, her neck could not balance well. This led to a serious illness that made her not to be able to talk any longer. Accordingly, she was taken to the hospital for a checkup. While undergoing treatment, it finally led to this present disabled condition. This girl cannot speak well and also stand properly or all by herself. These were statements made by family members.




Saah Taylor

My name is Saah Taylor.  I am 39 years old and was born in Bandienin Village, Warm Clan, Foya Statutory District, Lofa County, Liberia.

One day, when I came home from school, I was reading my notes and afterwards, I decided to go to bed. It was around 2:00pm. While asleep I had a dream in which I heard something that sounded like a gun firing. When I woke up I felt pain in one of my feet; but I did not take it seriously. Before the next morning, my entire foot was swollen up and this resulted into a chronic illness. I was taken to the hospital and the doctor said that the only remedy was to have the foot that was hurting amputated. This made me very discouraged, and frustrated and I even decided to poison myself. It was only by the help of the community’s members who continued to encourage and counsel me until this present time that I survived. However,  when I think about my condition as a disabled, without being able to work and to get anything for myself, I still become discouraged.


Posted on: February 26, 2012, by :