Meet Saah Yengbemei
My name is Saah Yengbemei, age, 58. I was born in Yengbemei, Wam Clan, Foya Statutory District, Lofa County, Liberia.
One day, I was sleeping in my village and when I awoke I did not see my shoes. I searched all around, asking people but the shoes were not found at all. It was late in the evening when my uncle called me and gave the shoes and said that the little children might have carried the shoes to his place. I never knew that someone had done something bad with my shoes. When I put my feet into the shoes, the next morning I started experiencing itching all over my body. That eventually resulted into my having leprosy. Today, I don’t go around people. Anytime I come around people abandon me so I am left alone.
Posted on: March 15, 2012, by : LV_volunteer