The History of WAHA
The West Africa Handicap Association was birthed in the Republic of Guinea on December 28, 2001 by its founder and President, Mr. Joseph Tamba, now of the United States. It was founded among Liberian, Sierra Leonian, and Ivorian refugees as well as other West African nationalities who all fled the fifteen-year war. Immediately following the return of the Liberians to their homeland, the West Africa Handicap Association, which still consists of other nationalities, was established on August 25, 2007, in Foya Township, Foya Statutory District, North/Western Liberia. The goal of the organization is to find ways and means of bringing safety, encouragement, and a future for disabled persons by connecting them with opportunities for socialization, trauma counseling, Braille instruction for the blind, computer training, and relevant skill training that would enable the thousands of physically-challenged persons to be self-supporting, self-sufficient, and self-reliant, instead of being beggars or being reduced to destitution. The purpose of WAHA is to help facilitate services to the disabled in Liberia and around the world, including the United States.