Meet Marie K., Tamba J., and Fatu P.
Marie Korffeh
My name is Marie Korffeh. I am 30 years of age and was born in Foya Karma Village, Foya Statutory District, Lofa County, Liberia.
During the war, we were running from place to place and reached to a nearby village to hide ourselves. Unfortunately, a group of rebel fighters met us and I was seriously beaten by them to the extent that one of my legs was affected which led to my being disabled as I am today. I am a single parent, living with three children and have no one to help me. When people see me they sometimes laugh at me because of the condition that I find myself in. My children and I do not have good clothing and housing. I struggled very hard in order for us to sustain ourselves.
Tamba John
My name is Tamba John, age 20 years. I was born in Kpandonin, Foya District, Lofa County, Liberia.
I was told by my father that when I was at the age of one year, there was an old man in our village by the name of Fayiah, this old man was suspected to have had a “dragon.” One day, I was left with my grandmother in the town. While moving about, the sun was hot, and there it is believed, that the old man made “sacrifice” with me while my parents were away. When my parents returned later, they met my body warm; and then took me to the hospital but there was no way. And so I became a crippled child.
Fatu Peter
My name is Fatu Peter. I am 39 years of age, and was born in Tomadou Village, Wam Clan, Foya District, Lofa County, Liberia.
During the war, while we were running into the bushes to hide ourselves, a member of our town met us and told me that my father was prominent in the town. He further told me to decide for my life or to do any other thing with me. I refused to have sexual intercourse with him. He then attacked me and held my two hands and put something on my two eyes. At once my eyes became darkened and this resulted into my present blindness.
Posted on: February 26, 2012, by : waha_admin